Typically, references to “ghost” editions indicate the
absence of a physical book. The volume appears in letters, auction catalogs,
library checklists, or the footnotes of other works, but its tangible existence
still eludes the bibliographer. This edition, however, is the reverse; we have
the book in hand, with a clear colophon and a shred of provenance, and yet it
has left no trace in the abstract bibliographic record. I undertook research on
the volume, in the hopes of illuminating some as-yet feature that would
contextualize it more solidly, but the “ghost” edition is, in fact, a ghost.
What I accomplished instead was some strenuous exercise of my bibliographic
toolkit for early modern books, a comforting return to my academic roots in
Classical literature, and a few more drops of information on the volume itself.
The book contains two of Ovid’s later works, the Heroides
and Ibis, each with accompanying
commentary. Alongside the Heroides, as usual for such renderings of the period,
appear Angelo Sabino’s letters, in which he posed as Ovid’s poetic friend
Sabinus. The volume is consistently formatted as a folio in sixes, except for the
final gathering of four. The pagination is sloppy, both in structure and
typography. Of 94 folios, only the first forty-two are foliated, and of those,
the foliation statement is: 1-22, 24 [23], 23 [24], 25-36, [37], 38, [39-40], 41,
43 [42]. The printer prefers “Y” to “V”, and sticks with an uppercase set until
page thirty-one, at which point he starts to mix upper and lower cases. New
chapters in both the main text and in the surrounding commentary begin with
wood-block initials, except for the start of Ibis, which is missing its decorated “T”. The running headers are
entirely in uppercase until near the end of Hermione’s letter to Orestes, at
which point they follow normal capitalization rules for proper nouns. The text
is in an anonymous sort of Roman type, with the title in Gothic.
Overall, the book appears to represent the work of a
somewhat adept printer, who had little taste for frills and less for
consistency. The colophon attributes the edition to “Caligulam Bacielerium
Civem Bononiensem”, or Caligola Bazalieri of Bologna, thanks to VIAF authority
records. Bazalieri was active form 1490 to 1512, and thus this volume, printed
in 1501, marks the midpoint of his career. Bazalieri’s brother, Bazaliero
Bazalieri, was also a printer, and the two adopted similar styles. We have
suggested that Caligola Bazalieri’s version of the Heroides mirrors an earlier
edition printed by his brother, but since Caligola was also an author and
translator, the attribution is murky. Seventeen of Bazalieri’s supposed
forty-two editions are known only through bibliographies, making the possession
of one at all, and especially one unrecorded, particularly rare. Bazalieri’s
significance to the history of the book comes not from the Classical or religious
literature that comprises most of his body of work, but from his printing of Buovo di Antonia, a medieval romance originating
in the British Isles. Bazalieri’s 1497 edition of the text is believed to be
the source of the edition printed a short time later by Elye Bokher, which was
the first non-religious book to be printed in Yiddish (Rosenzweig, 29).
Jensen, Kristian. Revolution and the Antiquarian Book: Reshaping the Past, 1780-1815. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Petrucciani, Alberto. "Bibliofili e Librai nel Settecento: La Formazione della Biblioteca Durazzo (1776-1783)." Atti della Societa Ligure di Storia Patria 24 (98) Fasc. 1. Genoa, 1984.
-----. "Gli Incunaboli della Biblioteca Durazzo." Atti della Societa Ligure di Storia Patria 28 (102) Fasc. 2. Genoa, 1988.
Rosenzweig, Claudia. Buovo d'Antona by Elye Bokher. A Yiddish Romance: A Critical Edition with Commentary. BRILL, 2015.
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