Monday, July 28, 2014

Miniature Book Society Conclave in Boston, August 15-17

The Miniature Book Society is an organization interested in all aspects of miniature books, or books measuring three inches or less, including the design, production, and distribution of these tiny treasures. Every year, members of the Society meet around the world for a conclave, during which they take part in bibliophilic activities with special focus on books in small formats.

This year's conclave will be held in Boston from August 15-17th, and we are very excited to welcome Society members to our fine literary city. Activities will include a tour of the Boston Athenaeum, a presentation by a miniature book binder from the North Bennet Street School, and visits to the American Antiquarian Society and Clark University's Goddard Library in Worcester, which holds the miniature book that went to the moon.

On Friday afternoon, August 15th, from 2 to 5pm, we will be hosting a reception for conclave registrants, where our entire selection of miniature books, over 500 volumes, will be on display and for sale. We will also have a table at the conclave book fair, which will be at the Taj Hotel on Sunday, August 17th. The book fair is open to registrants from 9-11am and open to the public from 11am-4pm.

If you would like to see a preview of what you can expect at the book fair, you can visit the Brookline Public Library, which currently has miniature books on display. The exhibit offers a glimpse into the history of miniature books and is a traveling display provided by the Miniature Book Society. It is definitely worth a visit.

If you are unable to attend the book fair or see the exhibit, you can view the video below, which was produced by the Weston Media Center and follows local collector Melinda Brown as she talks about her own miniature books and then visits our shop to discuss the variety of miniature books we have for sale.

If you are interested in miniature books and have questions or would like to talk about starting your own collection, developing or selling a current collection, please contact us or come by our shop in Copley Square.